Reply To: Teeth Are in Poor Condition – Need Free Dental Help


Hi Kim,
From the sounds of it, your teeth could use a cleaning and some fluoride application by a dental hygienist to remove the yellowish color/stain. There are a number of ways to get low cost dental work done. Depending on where you live, there many be schools of dentistry who will perform dental work at a reduced rate, volunteer programs that offer free services to low income individuals and/or government programs that may cover the cost of a visit to the dentist depending on your financial and family status.

As for the bad breath, you can:

  • Brush your teeth more frequently throughout the day (don’t forget to brush your tongue and gums)
  • Use mouthwash
  • Chew gum or suck on hard candies that have a minty flavor
  • Drink water. Drier mouths are more odorous.

Lastly, don’t let the color of your teeth or bad breath get in the way of following your dream of becoming a nurse. No one’s teeth are perfectly white anyway! Do your best to combat these problems as you work on becoming a nurse, but don’t let it stop you from making progress. Remember that nobody expects perfection because they aren’t perfect themselves.