Ask Ali – Ask a Dentist a Question for Free

Ask Ali a Question

Have a question that you’d like to ask a dentist, but don’t want pay for a response?

Ali is a dental care professional who has agreed to provide some basic guidance and advice to members of our forum who post a query about dental implants, dentures, bridges and any other topic relating to dentistry.

If you would like Ali to answer your question, please join our forum and then post a topic (see bottom of that page once you’re logged in). Be sure to provide as many relevant details as possible so that she has enough information to provide a helpful answer. Important details include: dates, prices, locations, names of clinics/dentists, symptoms, etc. If you have copies of your x-rays or any photos that would help clarify your situation, please include those in your forum post as well.

We receive a lot of questions every day and unfortunately, Ali doesn’t always have the time to address them all. We offer access to Ali’s knowledge and expertise for free, so don’t expect an answer right away and please be patient. Other members of the forum may be able to help you out in the meantime. If you have any updates or additional information to provide, please post a reply to your original inquiry.

To get started, join the forum then create a topic.

Please Remember: Ali is not your dentist. She does not know you personally or have access to your medical history. Her answers are her personal opinions regarding your situation. Her advice CANNOT and DOES NOT replace that of a licensed medical professional (doctor, dentist, etc.). Many problems can’t be solved over the internet, so when in doubt, consult a medical professional.