What To Do? No Teeth At All

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    I have had all my teeth removed due to the enamel-eroding off due to constant vomiting due to a gastric bypass. It has been 10 yrs that I have had no teeth and because I have insurance for low income getting dentures has been impossible. It has now affected my life to the point I work from home, hardly go out except for grocery shopping and house related needs and I will only go to the store closest. I always turn down going to dinner, movies or pretty much anywhere with husband or kids. They understand but its not fair. Please someone, anyone give me some advice. My thoughts have been mail order, make my own cast impressions and send them to a place that makes them look like teeth..lol. But really once I even spent 6 weeks emailing Ellen Degeneres during the holidays in hopes she would read my story and help. I have even entered numerous times the smile makeover (which you have to submit your entry everyday for better luck) and no luck yet.
    So who has some good advice, resources, or ideas….I’ll be checking frequently to see

    Toothless In Seattle

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