New Teeth in One Day (All on 4 or 6) – Cost & Procedure

Tooth Replacement Options

Most people dislike removable complete dentures due to struggles with slipping/shifting, demanding maintenance requirements and/or food restrictions.

Dental implants are a great solution to these difficulties and excellent alternative to dentures, but six or eight implants are typically required to restore a full arch of teeth which can be quite an expensive undertaking ($34,000+).

The All-on-4 technique (Teeth in a Day or same day dental implants) offers patients a more affordable solution to this problem, as a complete upper or lower arch of teeth can be supported by four optimally placed dental implants – often for less than $24,000.

In This Guide

Cost of All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 TypeCost Per Arch
Acrylic Or Composite$15,000 to $24,000
Porcelain$21,000 to $30,000

For many people, the cost of treatment is the primary factor during the decision-making process, so we’ve collected the data submitted by people who have undergone the procedure. An upper or lower arch of All-on-4 dental implants costs between $15,000 and $24,000. This wide variation is due to a number of different factors, including:

  • What diagnostic tests (x-rays, CTs, etc) are carried out beforehand to assess the patient’s health.
  • Brand of implants used.
  • The quality of the final restoration (denture) and the customization required.
  • How many dentists/professionals are involved. Getting everything done in one place is more cost-effective.
  • The experience and skill of your implant dentist(s) or oral surgeon(s).
  • The location of your dentist. Typically cheaper in areas with lower cost of living.

In some cases, your dental insurance will cover part of the fee charged to restore your new teeth, but most providers don’t allow you to claim the cost of the surgery itself. This is because in spite of the health benefits that can be provided by dental implants, most insurance companies still classify it as a cosmetic procedure.

If you find the All-on-4 system being offered at a substantial discount (well below the average cost range mentioned), it is worth inquiring about the brand of dental implants being used as they might not be from a reputable manufacturer.

If something goes wrong, it is much easier to obtain the components necessary to repair and replace an implant if they are made by a well-known manufacturer. In addition, you are more likely to be able to find a dentist who is willing and able to do the work.

Cost of All-on-4 in Other Countries

Costa Rica
United Kingdom

Cost of All-on-6 in Other Countries

Costa Rica$9,613

United Kingdom

Benefits Compared to Regular Dentures

 All-on-4Removable Dentures
JawboneStimulates jawbone to promote bone growthBone loss over time
SupportFixed to jawbone like natural teethSits on gums - can slip and cause discomfort
FeelingFeel like natural teethTake time to get used to. Palate is covered by denture.
LongevityCan last a lifetimeTypically last 7 to 15 years
MaintenanceBrush and floss same as for regular teethNeed to removed for cleaning
AppearanceLook close to the real thing. Supports your cheeks and lipsCan be noticeable if they come loose or cause discomfort
SpeechNo issuesMay interfere with speech
EatingNo limitationsMust be careful, avoid hard/sticky foods
Invasiveness1 or 2 invasive surgeriesNo surgery required

The benefits of All-on-4 implants over regular dentures include:

Bone Preservation
Dental implants help to preserve the bone in the jaw. In comparison, dentures can accelerate this bone loss due to the pressure of the denture sitting on the gums and the underlying jawbone.

Increased comfort
The restoration is supported by implants instead of gum tissue, so it does not rub or create sore patches.

Improved diet
Denture wearers need to avoid certain foods that are difficult or nearly impossible to eat because they are too hard or crunchy and could damage the denture. Implants are strong enough to withstand these forces, allowing you to eat a more healthy and varied diet and enjoy increased bite strength.

Improved self-confidence
Implant supported teeth do not move around when you eat or speak, so you can socialize without any fear of embarrassment resulting from your teeth moving or slipping out of position.

Improved appearance
Tooth and bone loss in the jaw affects facial dimensions and can make you look years older than you actually are. All-on-4 teeth are constructed to replace height lost in between your upper and lower jaws, and will support your cheeks and lips.

No need for messy adhesives
Teeth will be permanently fixed to the dental implants.

Surgical Procedure – What to Expect

The procedure was originally developed in the 1990’s by the Portuguese dentist Paulo Malo who worked in conjunction with Nobel Biocare, one of the best known dental implant companies in the world.

Your dentist will evaluate your mouth by performing various diagnostic tests including a CT scan and dental x-rays to measure the amount of available bone in your jaw and its density. They may also use special 3D dental imaging software to make an accurate diagnosis, plan the implant placement and create surgical guides that enable the dentist to insert the implants into exactly the right position.

The technique involves placing two implants at the front of the arch, in the positions normally occupied by your incisors (front teeth) and two implants placed beside them – one on each side.

These are placed at a 45 degree angle tilting away from the front implants. The angle helps to maximize the use of bone in this area as slightly longer implant posts can be used for the angled implants, providing greater support for the replacement teeth. These four implants can support an entire arch of twelve or fourteen teeth.

A new, temporary fixed bridge is created prior to the implant surgery and will be modified to provide a personalized fit immediately after the posts are placed. Since there are only four posts to fit the restoration onto, the entire process is relatively quick and you will leave with your new teeth in position and ready to use.

It is important to note that your new set of teeth are temporary as your dental implants still need time to heal and integrate with your jawbone. Your gums and jawbone should be fully healed after three to six months. At this stage, your dentist will remove your temporary teeth and can take impressions for the permanent implant supported fixed bridge which will be stronger and fit more comfortably.

Potential Problems and Risks

All types of oral surgery carry some amount of risk, and although the success rate for dental implants is around 95%, a number of different problems are possible and a small percentage will fail.

It is vitally important for anyone with dental implants to make sure they are thoroughly cleaned frequently in order to keep them free from plaque and food debris. Regular check-ups and professional cleanings are also essential. With proper planning and care, the risks can be minimized. All-on-4 is a very specialized technique so it is important to make sure you choose the right surgeon who has the proper training and experience.

This procedure is not suitable for everyone, but is worthy of consideration by anyone who is missing a complete arch of teeth.

What to Read Next

Over to You

Looking into this procedure or already had it done? Let us know in the comments how much you paid or have been quoted as well as what city you’re in so that others can compare and discuss.

What others are saying

  1. Procedure thus far in Los Algodones, Mexico. Starting: Dec 2016 – initial extractions, bone grafts, implants, several implant failures (more bone grafting necessary), all 8 implants now in as of December 2017. Will return in March for upper arch (providing last implant that was just finished heals). Will check healing on lower at that time as well. Reason for bone not healing may be due to diabetic condition according to dentist. At least 1/2 dozen trips to Mexico, 2 overnight stays necessary (in Yuma, Az). Luckily it’s only 4 hours away from Phoenix. Total spent to date, just over 10K. Almost done…… 🙂 Prices are going up though, even antibiotics getting more expensive – fast! Simply Dental/ConfiDent – Dr. Danilo Gaspar. They are making improvements to the town and it’s reflecting in the pricing. However, I trust them 100 per cent more than any rip off dentist I’ve visited here in the US. It’s unfortunate, but true. 1 simple extraction cost 200 in US at a cheap strip mall dental office, there it was 60 total (including xrays). It’s your money, same procedures, just research well. Good Luck.

  2. Having full arch (both) implants done on 13 Dec. The journey to this moment started in September with a visit to a dentist for evaluation and dentures. Was referred to a colleague at a teaching facility for x-rays and teeth extractions (13) which would save me the cost of the extractions as my insurance would not cover full cost. In consultation with oral surgeon, he informed me that he could perform dental implants (full arches, top and bottom) at no cost to me. He explain that he was one of only two surgeons certified to perform this procedure, so I jumped at the chance. After two 3D-CTSCANS, photo sessions, and three sittings with the prosthodontist, molds were finalized and sent to a lab in Nevada. My surgeon told me that this procedure will take about 8 hours in the OR, and an overnight stay in the hospital. He also said I will be leaving with my new permanent teeth. By the way, I am 72 years old, in good health with no medical problems.

    • Hi William!
      I am also looking into using a College or teaching facility for my procedure. Where did you go? I’ve been in contact with my insurance company about coverage, hoping that I will be able to secure some coverage. I am a “Tetracycline Kid” from the 60’s (3x’s a day for years!), and my teeth are a mess of grey, crowns, implants, etc. Thank You!

  3. Had Clear Choice consultation and 3D CT scan. Monday is preliminary exam, pics and impressions. All on Four arches, top and bottom surgery December 15th. I have had full dentures for 15 years and will save $2000 by having dentures revamped as temporary arches attached to implants. Having this done in Edina, Minnesota. I chose IV sedation, general anesthesia. I’m just anxious to get that far, not worried about pain or anything else at this time. It’s traumatic, to say the least but I believe it will be well worth it as opposed to dentures. So far, very pleased with staff there.

  4. Rich,
    Wondering if you can tell me which doctor in which clinic? It looks like there are a lot of them there. I am seriously considering doing this, but the cost here is too high.
    How long did you have to stay? And go back how many times? Is the quality the same?

  5. I went to Costa Rica where the cost is about half but the facility was state of the art and the dentist was us trained with over 25 years experience with implants. Sure the dietary restrictions during the healing process are no fun but for the first time in over 10 years I can smile without being self conscious of my missing and damaged teeth. THAT, my friend trumps any piece of fried chicken or steak a hundredfold! Besides, it’s only for a few months anyway.

      • I had a consultation in Florida and it was $52,000! Definitely looking for recommendations from people who have had this procedure done outside of the US.

    • Rich
      Would you be able to send me some info on your procedure in Costa Rica, the clinic that you went to,to get your new smile?
      I would appreciate it very much, I need probably $30,000 here in the US and just cannot afford it but I also cannot continue to live my life without my smile.


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